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地狱之旅 (Hungry Ghosts)



进入阴曹地府之前要献上的金子- Chatchavan攝, Flickr. 



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大马国际鞋业嘉年华 (Malaysia Shoe Festival)




大马国际鞋业嘉年华鞋展-Cheryl Chan攝

还想要了解马来西亚的著名购物场所,美食,文化以及其他的情报,不妨到 Travel Wire Asia 网站看一看我写的其他文章吧!


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马来西亚美食 (Malaysia Cuisine)- Nasi Lemak

说道马来西亚的传统美食,除了叻沙以外,还有马来椰浆饭(Nasi Lemak)。把马来文翻译成中文 Nasi是饭,而Lemak 是脂肪,指的是椰浆。名字听起来好像有点简单,但是把饭与椰浆混合后在拿去蒸,加上香辣的辣椒酱(Sambal)和其他配料,真是难以用语言来表的美味!
 鸡肉椰浆饭-Francis Chung攝, Flickr.

椰浆饭摊位-Yun Huang Yong攝, Flickr.


还想要了解马来西亚的其他美食,文化以及其他的情报,不妨到 Travel Wire Asia 网站看一看我写的其他文章吧!


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马来西亚美食 (Malaysia Cuisine)- Laksa


咖哩叻沙- LWY攝, Flickr
马来西亚是个多元种族的国家,所以不同种族所呈现出来的叻沙有所不同。马来西亚虽然有很多各式各样的叻沙,最受欢迎的有亚参叻沙(Asam Laksa)及咖哩叻沙(Curry Laksa)这两种。

亚参叻沙-Chee Hong攝, Flickr

这两道叻沙料理吃起来时是如此美味又过瘾!亚参叻沙及咖哩叻沙在吉隆玻,槟城,还有其他地区都可以享受到。不行, 我忽然想念槟城的叻沙了!

还想要了解马来西亚的其他美食,文化以及其他的情报,不妨到 Travel Wire Asia 网站看一看我写的其他文章吧!


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吉隆玻购物天堂 (Malaysia Shopping Paradise)

我的新文章是关于马来西亚的购物天堂! 最近的天气是不是一直不断的下雨又有点凉呢? 
是时候买些新衣服了~ 我的文章已在 Travel WIre Asia 网站上刊登! 以下是我写的原文:


晚上的Sunway Pyramid-Justin Hee攝, Flickr
说到购物天堂,我最喜欢吉隆玻的那几家巨大的百货商店了。我经常去的百货商店是 Sungei Wang, Sunway Pyramid 和 Berjaya Time Square。这几家百货商店不只是范围广大,而且也提供了格式各类从头部到脚趾的装饰和服装来满足各种消费者的需求。

在Sunway Pyramid溜冰-Justin Hee攝, Flickr.

其实我认为每个百货商店有它自己的不同特色。在 Sungei Wang,你可以买到很多便宜质量有好的物品。而在 Sunway Pyramid,你首先会被一座非常壮观的金字塔外形加上一座猛威的老虎雕像的外观设计刮目相看。如果你想要买一些名牌包包或是高根鞋, 我建议你到这来。当你累的时候,不如去溜个冰来方松自己也是一个享受。在 Berjaya Time Square你不只是可以疯狂购物,你还可以到室内主题公园享受天伦只乐。


还想要了解马来西亚的美食,文化以及其他的情报,不妨到 Travel Wire Asia 网站看一看我写的其他文章吧!

马来西亚美食(下)-Nasi Lemak
地狱之旅 (Hungry Ghost)
大马国际鞋业嘉年华(KL shoe Festival)


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Redang Island - The beach paradise in Malaysia

I'm proud of our country since we have numerous spectacular islands. Those islands are Penang Island, Langkawi Island, Tioman Island, Sipadan Island, Redang Island and so forth. There are a lot of thrilling activities you could enjoy and variety of uncountable delectable food are waiting for you. Today, i would like to talk about Redang Island. Actually my article was published in both Travel Wire Asia and Asiancorrespondent travel website. Below is my original article that i would like to share with everyone who loves Malaysia!

 Redang Island by Zul Mokhtar, Flickr.

Redang Island is the largest of the nine islands that comprise the Marine Park in the Redang Archipelago. This archipelago also includes Lima Island, Paku Besar Island, Paku Kecil Island, Kerengga Besar Island, Kerengga Kecil Island, Ekor Tebu Island, Ling Island and Pinang Island. You can reach Redang Island by speedboat (30mins) from Merang Jetty.

Redang Island is renowned for its abundant diversity of marine organisms and spectacular beaches. If it’s your first time to visit Redang, you will be dazzled by the perfection of the island. The seawater is so clear you can see schools of fish swimming past. Redang Island not only serves as a perfect spot for snorkeling and scuba diving, but its impressive panoramas have also made it a choice spot for honeymooners.

Under the swaying coconut trees there are two spectacular beaches that are known locally as Pasir Panjang (Long Beach) and Deep Water Bay (Teluk Dalam Kecil). Most tourists stay in these two locations so there are plenty of resorts and restaurants here.

Pasir Panjang by Kung Bernard, Flickr.
You could easily spend your days basking in the warm sunshine on these beaches – don’t forget to apply sunblock! Or you could enjoy strolling along the fine sandy beach and looking at the multi-coloured fish swimming by. When it gets warm in the heat of the day enjoy a cup of fresh juice or even a fresh coconut drink to help you cool down.

Redang Island is also fringed with 100 species of fish, 50 species of coral and various kinds of turtles. Colorful reef fish such as parrotfish, angelfish, and other marine fish such as tuna, barracudas and spot jack fish can be seen during your snorkeling and scuba diving adventures. The best dive sites are Batu Che Esa, Terembu Putih, Black Coral Garden and Tanjung Tokong, while the most popular spots for snorkeling are Tanjung Tengah, Tanjung Mak Cantik and Pasir Chagar Hutang (Turtle Bay). A lot of the resorts and dive centres lend underwater cameras so you can capture memories beneath the water as well.

However you don’t always have to get in the water to see turtles. Visitors have reported seeing turtles come ashore to lay eggs, or have even seen baby turtles hatching and entering the sea for the first time. Redang Island is actually a conservation site for sea turtles.

If you love nature it’s possible to go jungle hiking on the island and come across other animals like monkeys. In the inner part of Redang Island there is a mountain called Bukit Besar (Big Mountain). From the peak, 359m, you can get a view of the whole island that will take your breath away; sparkling turquoise water fringes the island meeting the clear azure sky so it looks like there’s no horizon.

In the evening most people like to watch the sunset, particularly couples seeking romantic moments. There is plenty to do at night as well. Many resorts have camping sites with barbeque pits and chairs for tourists to grill their own food! If you don’t feel like doing barbeque, you can have your meal at your resort. After your meal there’s karaoke (8~11pm) at the open-air restaurant bars at Redang Reef and Redang Pelangi Resorts. Resident jazz bands or singers provide live music every Friday and Saturday night.

Another popular activity at night is to search for the “Blue Sand”. This tiny blue luminous sea creature or sea lice can be found along the beach if you have a flashlight. Shine your light around and you should see it shining in the dark.

The great thing about Redang is that there is accommodation for all budgets. The Taaras Beach Resort is the top ranked resort in Redang, followed by Laguna Redang Island Resort. There are other more affordable resorts such as Amannagappa Resort, Redang Kalong Resort and Redang Reef Resort. Some of the resorts also have spa treatments.

For more information about Redang or other islands in Malaysia, please visit Redang Island website or Malaysia Tourism Official website.

To see the articles of other destinations in Malaysia, you can explore the travel websites through the links provided.

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